The Truth About Magnestism

The truth is, you’re always magnetic.

The question is, what are you magnetizing?

Life is always responding to you.

Moving where you go.

Responding to your ebb.

Responding to your flow.

There’s no separation.

This by now you ought to know.

Life is ALWAYS magnetized to you.

The question is, which aspects of life are you magnetizing?

The things you want or the things you fear?

This is way beyond “thoughts create things” (and why so many feel stagnant in the same place).

This is life as you, matching you, creating through you.

If there’s something in your outer experience that’s not desirable, take a moment to drop the judgement, and lean into curiosity (genuine “oh this is interesting” curiosity) and ask, what am I doing, saying, feeling, accepting or choosing that’s aligning me to this experience?

As I heard from Jennifer Longmore this week, you are never not aligned. It’s what you are aligning to that you want to take a closer look at.

This right here is your power.

I invite you now to take it back.

To remember.

And if you’d like to be reminded for 31 days with me, to join the other 80 women inside of Trust, Celebrate, Calibrate.

31 days to trust yourself, life and men and open to the overflow of love and pleasure - we begin Monday!!

With love,
