Do Less and Receive More in Your Relationships

Women, you are doing far too much in your relationships and households.

I know you’ve seen the women before you give their all for the ones they love.

While you know this isn’t a pattern you want to carry forward, you find yourself slipping into not only taking care of your kids, but your man, too.

And underneath it all, you feel resentful.

It’s true that the feminine does lead.

But we’re operating from distortion: mistaking leading with doing and controlling.

The feminine leads means she’s the pulse, the spark the, the inspiration for the masculine.

Not his daily manager.

Or even the relationship manager.

And this is what the women who come into my world come to see. So clearly.

They get to do less and receive so much more. Their men step up and rise as she meets her own inner feminine deep within her body.

If you’ve still got your list of reasons why this can’t be you and you’ll die by that list, working with me is not for you.

If you’re ready for to be a woman who receives from life and men, I can’t wait to hear from you.

With love,
