How Do You Know If You're Being Too Picky?

The sooner you own that you’re not picky but that you’re a woman with high standards, the sooner you’ll meet your match.

You’re leaking far too much energy by continuously doubting if you’re

>being too picky.

>asking for too much.

>if maybe this is your avoidance speaking up

All that energy spent over thinking is not expanding your electro magnetic field.

It’s shrinking it.

And your wavering standards are leading to wavering outcomes (aka meeting men that don’t align to your values and/or not being able to sustain a connection with a man who does).

When we work together I’ll help you clearly see where you’re being “picky” vs being in your standards.

Once you know and feel the difference, all that sneaky leaky energy you spent worrying will be redirected to claiming what’s meant for you.

That’s when he we will come.

And stay.

If this feels like TRUTH coursing through your body, I invite you take a deep breath in and trust that this is meant for you.

And then, let’s talk about how you’re going to raise your standards and allow the masculine to meet you there.

With love,
