Should You Cancel A Date If Your Vibe Is "Low"?

Recently a client asked if she should cancel the dates she had coming up because she wasn’t in the “right” energetic state after a couple of disappointing dating experiences.

She asked the ladies in the portal of love community. They gave her the wisdom that the energy which she approaches things is everything and that maybe she’s better off putting off those dates.

Yes, this is what I teach! AND there’s also an opportunity to show our bodies that we don’t constantly need to start and stop and that we can keep the momentum going.

That maybe instead of cancelling she could use this as an opportunity to stretch her capacity for more in life (she has a line up dates) and find her way back into flow sooner than she normally would. To bounce back so to speak with more ease. And go on those dates!

When you want something you’ve never had, sometimes you have to try something you’ve never done.

In this case, this was the “something” she’d never done before.

Here’s what she has to say after receiving this guidance, “I decided not to cancel a date I was going to reschedule and got into flow instead. I showered myself with self-love and had a great time on the date”

Out with the basic, in with the nuanced, expansive and individualized conversations.

I’ve known this woman for years. I’ve seen her stop and go patterns.

And lovingly guided her to a new powerful way of showing up that WILL change the outcome for her.

I think it’s safe to say, we broke the circuit and love has a clear path to find her.

This is the power of mentorship.

With love,
