Anxiously Attached

For my ladies who know they tend to be anxiously attached in relationships - this is for you.

A man’s (heart-based) attraction to you is based on how he feels in your presence.

When you…

ask big relationship questions at inopportune moments (for example, while he’s focused on something else completely) because you’re seeking connection.

pick a fight because you’re seeking connection.

fish for a compliment because you’re seeking connection.

Or maybe it looks like…

worrying about the timing of things (marriage, babies, etc)

doing all the house things because you don’t trust him to do it well or you want to show him what a great partner you are (and potentially use this as a weapon in a fight later).

Being around you, doesn’t feel great.

No, it’s not all your fault.

And yes, he could be providing more assurance so you can relax.…

but chances are, you’d find something else to fret about.

Because which came first anyway, the chicken or the egg?

When you’re in this anxious state, being in your relationship doesn’t feel good, for either of you.

And while he cares about you and wants to show up for you, he doesn’t feel the desire and devotion towards you the way he could, if you relaxed.

He is hard-wired to want to devote to you and please you.

And he is matching the level of trust you show in him.

Which is a reflection of the level of trust you hold in yourself and life.

So is he really the only one who needs to 'change’?

Ever deeper, ever higher~
