It’s Time For A Reality Shakedown On Expectations

It’s time for a reality shakedown on expectations.

You’ve heard me talk about ego expectations that crush the intimacy in your relationships and put you in the controller’s seat.

The ways we wait for others to prove themselves:

Are you going to buy me roses for my birthday?

Will you drop what you're doing if I'm upset?

How hard will you try for me?

These are what we can call inflated expectations.

We’ve also got women on the other end of the expectation spectrum, where disempowered expectations live.

Ie. you don’t ask for much and are willing to accept breadcrumbs:

He called me, he must really like me.

I won’t let him know how that comment made me feel because then he might think I'm too high maintenance.

I want commitment but he seems hesitant, so I’ll just go along for now.

Basically - not asking for much and bending over backwards for the little that’s offered to you.

And then we’ve got the middle space in between.

Where you can sit comfortably in the knowing that things are working out for you.

That your man has good intentions towards you.

That the masculine actually wants and needs to make you happy for it’s own fulfillment.

Healthy expectation is the relaxed knowing that you’re going to be provided for.

Even if not in the exact way and time that your ego might want it, it will happen.

In ways that your limited thinking couldn’t have even imagined.

You can think of these healthy expectations as being your soul standards, the North star you live by.

Raise your standards, and let them meet you there. This will literally change the game for you.

Portal of Love is going through an identity and standard upgrade, meaning an even deeper and higher experience for you.

Current pricing is $2,000 for 6 months and $2,997 for 12 months and will be rising to $5k in March for 12 months (and the 6-months option will be removed).

Email us at with your inquiries x

With love,
