Giving Feels Good, Receiving Feels Great.

The women who come into my world are often surprised to learn, they are not so adept at receiving.



A meal.





The list really does go on.

We all want to receive, heck we may even think we’re doing so…

But when we stop and get still, we start to notice all the ways we close ourselves to receiving.


Like when your partner comes up from behind to give you a kiss and you want to shut him down because you’re too busy getting things done around the house.

There goes an opportunity to lean into love and pleasure.

Or when a friend lets you know you can call her anytime you need, but you wouldn’t dare inconvenience her.

The women in my programs truly learn to embody receiving.

Starting with receiving support from yours truly, or the other ladies in our group programs.

You can see them shyly asking for feedback on day one, and then slowly (but actually, quite quickly), they begin taking up more space.


Opening their hearts, asking for what they need.


Even if all it is in that moment is to be witnessed in their story.


Then, the ripple effect happens…


As they relax into receiving it’s like a portal opens.


Ø  Their partners offer to make them eggs benedict for breakfast (true story), and they graciously accept.


Ø  Their children offer to help more around the house.


Ø  Their friends who usually just “take” offer to pick up dinner and wine for their night in together.


Ø  The Universe hands them their highest paying client.


Because that’s how it works.


As we plug the holes where you over give, we open the space for you to receive.


I can’t even tell you how many of the women in my programs have chosen RECEIVE as their word for 2022.


It’s a damn good one.


Yes, it feels good to give.


But dang, it feels GREAT to receive.


RECEIVE my 6-week program is now on pre-sale (price jumps from $1111 to $1444 soon).


With love,
