Craving Romance in Your Relationship? Read This

Couple reading in bed

I have yet to work with a woman who doesn’t desire more romance and connection in her relationship.

And when she discovers just how simple it can be to experience, she almost doesn’t believe it.

Yes, that’s right. Your romantic relationship isn’t as far away as you once imagined it.

The opportunity for romance lies in the micro-moments in your relationship.

...micro what?

The little, seemingly insignificant moments; like when you’re brushing your teeth, talking on the phone, getting ready for your day, passing each other in the hallway.

THESE are the moments where love, romance, and connection get to exist.

If you allow it.

You can exchange a smile, go in for a long hug, caress his hair, tell him how much you love living life with him, snuggle up to him while he’s watching his favorite show, the list is truly endless.

Yes, epic date nights are fun.

Yes, roses and bubble baths are delicious.

And yes, romance can also exist every day, in the tiny micro-moments of your lives together, too.

Your life and relationship get to feel that good.

So before stressing yourself and your partner about planning more exciting and romantic moments together, try bringing romance into the micro-moments - and watch your relationship become like new.

Your partner will remember who he fell in love with, and he will be inspired to go the extra mile.

Trust me on this one?

With love,

P.S. There are 2 spots left in the group for women in relationships in my 6-month intimate group program, School of Love - The Inner Circle. Apply here:

Diana Eskander