How He Feels In Your Presence Matters

Couple in Blanket

What I’ve learned after years of dating, 5 years married and 5 years doing this incredible work is that how a man feels in your presence is what creates those feelings of love in his heart – and keeps them coming.

So, please consider this a big, fat permission slip to stop all the over-efforting.

And sink into this truth instead:

The way you feel in your mind, heart and body is emitted so powerfully from your being, that in your presence, he will feel how you feel.

Yes, you’re that f*****g magical.

The good news is, there’s much less for you to do.

The harder news is, the way you feel matters.

And if you tend to feel anxious, insecure, and less than – consciously or not, he can feel it, too.

So what’s a girl to do?

Get intimate with how you feel.

What thoughts about your not enough-ness are prevalent in your day to day?

What is your predominant way of feeling day to day?

How do you speak about yourself?

What do you pay most attention to?

What beliefs do you hold about yourself, men and relationships?

Get intimate with the answers to these powerful questions and assess what needs to stay, and what needs to go.

Once you’re clear on what isn’t serving you, bring on the support to help you move through the stickier thoughts and feelings.

You might…

  • Work with a therapist or coach (think theta healing, RTT, Somatic therapy, breath work, love coaching, etc).

  • Commit to daily practices that help you move energy through your body (and not simply re-framing your mindset).

  • Go out into the world and practice new thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

  • Do things that bring you JOY and PLEASURE.

A woman who is aware of her internal landscape and tends to it like she might her own prestigious garden is a woman a man can’t resist.

I can’t say this enough, so it’s my commitment to finding all the new creative ways to keep sharing this message with you:

It’s less about what you do for him and more so about who you are being around him.

With love,
