If you intended to meet your man this year and it didn’t happen…here’s what to do (and it doesn't include spending hours on the apps)
It's New Year’s Eve 2012. One of my closest friends just had her first baby and is having a get together to ring in the new year.
I show up solo and find myself in a group of couples.
I feel the yearning deep down in my belly for my own partner and my own family.
“What if it isn’t in the cards for me?”, I think to myself.
The new year begins and I’m learning about manifestation.
I try online dating for a bit - at least it’s providing some entertainment I think to myself.
I’m in the vibes.
Looking for the magic and seeing my life as this unfolding wonderland.
Until the spring rolls around and I go from a drought of men to raining men.
A hot movie star looking guy moves into the office next to the one I worked at every day.
My ex is sending me messages.
The guy who owns Montreal’s hottest new restaurant crossed paths with me and asks me out on a date.
A friend says she knows someone she wants to set me up with.
I feel the momentum.
I ride the momentum.
I AM the momentum.
And then it happens.
June 9th, 2013 I meet Jack for the first time in the most serendipitous way.
11 years later, we’re still in the magic together.
What I can say for sure is that resisting where you are is keeping you from where you’re going -
And that the fastest way to collapse time to meeting your man is to fall in love with your life (and yourself) as it is today.
To stop believing that there you’re not where you’re supposed to be yet.
To LOOK for the magic.
To SEE the magic.
To FEEL the magic.
Until the inevitable magic happens, and he finds you.
If I’d only known then what I know now, I would have found myself a group of women who thought this way and closed this gap way sooner.
But as you have it, the perfect time is always now.
I love you ♥️ it’s happening. And you are magic ✨