It’s An Act Of Rebellion To Be In Love With Your Husband

It’s an act of rebellion to be in love with your husband.


In a society that almost glamorizes talking smack about our partners:


Complaining about them.

Complaining to them.

Carrying a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Never feeling like they’re quite enough.

Having too much pride to appreciate them.


Loving your man and speaking highly of him and to him, seems to me like a much needed revolution.


Not only in service of them, but even more so, in service of ourselves.


To be women in love.

To be Goddesses in love.


I understand that relationships are complex.

They are designed to be catalysts for some of our greatest transformations.


I know the feeling of resentment that comes from feeling like your needs are repeatedly not met.


I also know how committed we are to seeing through the lens of fear and pain.


And this lens offers only the narrowest point of view.


What if you chose to lean into love for your own damn emancipation?


How does it feel to imagine..



Having your heart feel open to your partner.

Welcoming his touch.

Deeply laughing with him.

Talking with each other instead of against each other.

Giving to him from your overflow because you’ve allowed yourself to receive so much from him.



I know there are some of you reading this who are with partners who offer no opportunity for you to even remotely imagine this as possible.


For most of you, your partner aren’t perfect but they are amazing, wonderful people who are trying their best.


What if you started noticing what they are doing even half as much as you pay attention to what they are not?


Even half as much…


Read that again.


With love,
