Leaning Into The Deepest Trust

You may have noticed I was quiet last week. I was (and still am) deep in the throws of baby rearing. Yes, we gave birth to our baby girl, Sophia Alexandria Kaba on 21/11/21 at 1:41am!

As with any birth, it’s hard to get through it without calling on the deepest trust.

In my case, there were some added layers.

You see, we were really hoping to deliver Sophia at the birthing centre with our midwives.

But as luck would have it, I get a rare condition in pregnancy called gestational thrombocytopenia.

Essentially, my blood doesn’t clot the way it needs to and a hospital birth is usually necessary.

I had this exact experience in my pregnancy with Cedrik as well; during that pregnancy, I did everything to “fight” this condition.

I tried Chinese herbs, acupuncture, all the fresh pressed juices, all the greens, all the chlorophylls – you name it, I tried it.

And still, my platelets continued to drop.

I decided that this time, I was going to surrender and trust. Not fighting the condition, just full on acceptance.

Towards the end of my pregnancy I started doing some acupuncture, and while my platelets still dropped, they didn’t do so nearly as fast as the last time around.

And then, by some miracle, they made a sudden leap.

My midwife called me with the news in total shock! “If you go into labour soon, with these numbers you could actually birth at the centre!”

 So, I decided we were going to gently induce her with acupuncture.

Within 36 hours, I was in labour.

But the story doesn’t end there.

Birthing at the centre came with a whole other set of decisions that required me to dig into the deepest trust I could find. This is the intimate story of my birth, and I’d love to invite you to hear all about it.

To witness what it means to trust your inner most knowing, despite the relevant fears.

To choose the body’s wisdom over the mind’s stories.

Will you join me?

I’ll be hopping on live in my private FB group over the next few days (not going to commit to a day and time, going to flow with this :)

Hope to see you there

With love,
