No One Taught Us How to Be In A Relationship

Couple kissing on the forehead

What do you desire for your relationship?

 Do you long for both space and closeness, romance and practicality, depth and playfulness?

 And how do you respond when your desires fall flat?

 No one taught us how to be in a relationship.

 And we have very few models to look to.

 Yet, relationships (of all kinds) are foundational to our wellbeing.

To our sense of belonging.

To our desire to love and be loved.

To our yearning for closeness and companionship.

 So why have we not been shown a better way to be inside of relationships?

 Do we even really know what healthy love looks like…feels like…sounds like?

 Are our expectations too high…or too low?

 What is the damn benchmark???

 This is why I created the School of Love

 Because I have a dream that relationships will one day be demystified.

 That we will know how to navigate them with more ease, from an intuitive place.

 Where we connect with our partners, human to human. Soul to soul.

 Where ego holds much less space in such a sacred communion.


 Yes, I’ve always been a dreamer.

 And yet, every dream I’ve dreamt has come to reality.

Imagine if we could harness all the energy we use worrying about, talking about, thinking about, crying about our relationships…

 What else might we create?

 Love gets to feel good for you. 

 If you’re in a partnership, it's time to release control and free yourself from responsibility. You get to be in your feminine and allow yourself to receive, the way your inner Queen desires: same man, renewed relationship.

 If you’re currently without a partner, it’s time to step into the realm of infinite possibility, and know so clearly who you are and what you want that it has no choice but to show up. It’s time to BE your most magnetic, self. She knows the way.

 There are just a few spots left in each group.

 Does being supported in your desire for love call to you?

 Come on over to School of Love - the vision gets to be yours.


With love,