Sustainable Dating

Happy couple

It’s exciting to wake up to a good morning text, fall asleep to a sweet dream message, and indulge in kiss emojis, I miss yous and ‘when will I see you next?’ texts throughout the day.

Oh, the beginning stages of dating can be such a wild ride.

But I’d love to caution you here about the same thing I do with my clients – THIS IS NOT SUSTAINABLE.

I know you’d love it to be.

But the truth is, one of these days, and likely sooner than later, this rhythm will drop.

If you’re on the avoidant side, you may be the one falling off.

If you’re on the anxious side and tend to be an over-giver, you’ll be the one disappointed when he stops messaging you as much and responding as quickly.

And it’s not that he doesn’t necessarily feel the same anymore.

It’s that this pace is not sustainable – and he may have gotten his fill too soon. (See my post on Binge Dates – very relevant here).

So please do yourself and your budding relationship a favor, and

This is what your Queen self is urging you to do.

I know it’s exciting to get swept away and swept off your feet. But you, my love, are a wise woman and it’s time you fully step into her.

Is over-giving, over-thinking and over-doing in dating and relationships a pattern of yours? If so, I invite you to join the next round of RECEIVE.

With love,
