Calm Your Dating & Relationship Anxiety With This Dance

Girl reaching sun

“Are we there yet?”

Like a kid in the back of a car, eagerly waiting to see if they have reached their destination, we often approach relationships in the same way:

Are we boyfriend and girlfriend yet?

Are we getting married yet?

Are we having kids already?

While I couldn’t agree more that being on the same page as your partner is important, so is enjoying the ride - aka the unfolding of it all.

If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that our inner children need our attention and consolation; they are the feeling the impatience.

If you’ve ever spent time with small children, you know that they want what they want, RIGHT NOW.
(I have a three-year-old and know this well!)

And how did the people around us respond when we stomped our feet and begged?

They (often) either gave us what we wanted right away so we would kindly shut up, or ignored us altogether.

And so, we learned impatience, not to trust that we can get what we want - or an interesting combination of the two.

I invite you to do a little re-parenting and soothe that anxious inner child.

Rather than driving the car or demoting yourself to the back seat (i.e., vying for all the control or none at all), why not try sitting in the front seat next to your partner.

Trust is such an important part of dating & relationships.

Rather than constantly checking to see if you’re there yet, why not stay present enough to see how much you’re both enjoying the journey?

Yes, have the conversations from time to time that clarify that you’re on the same page, AND, have fun along the way, too.

Make your intentions clear, and trust that they want to go there with you.

It’s a dance, ladies, and one that I happen to know the steps to.

If you’re interested in learning with me, fill out this form and my team will set up a call time to discover the best program for you.

With love,