The Medicine Your Relationship Actually Needs

Something’s been coming through so strong in the Inner Circle, I can’t hold it back from you.


What I’m about to say may surprise you.


The thing your partner really needs to hear from you (especially those of you in longer-term relationships who’ve built up some walls), is that…


you need him.


You may want to gloss over this, but for the wise ones reading this, you’ll see that the potency of this message is in its simplicity.


I’ve told you in the past that you can frame your needs as desires; and while in the right context this is a powerful approach…


The real medicine is for your partners to hear and feel that you need them.


I had each of the ladies in my Inner Circle place their hands on their hearts, imagine their partner’s face, eyes, smile, essence…


And to say out loud the simplest and truest words


“I need you.”


With tears pouring down their faces, I knew we hit the perfect chord.


Their assignment was to either say it to their partners or spend the next few days visualizing doing so.


For the women who dared speak the words, I need you, what took place was profoundly beautiful.


A return to love we called it.


The truth is, we do need our partners.


And when we balance this with our own ability to ground and anchor ourselves, the polarity of needing and being needed is a sexy, healthy playground that we get to play in. 


How beautiful is that?


School of Love’s Inner Circle Is on pre-sale, one group for women calling in love, another for women in relationships. If you’re ready for the deepest expansion of your life, you know what to do x


With love,
