What does it mean, to choose love over fear?

This can be easily misunderstood – or not understood at all.

Choosing love over fear is a big concept, without a static meaning. 

It can mean choosing to …

  • Leave a relationship, because you lean into such deep trust that what’s meant for you, will find you.

  • Trust that the actions of your partner are genuine and well-intentioned.

  • Put off a conversation that your nervous system has you convinced must.happen.now, for the sake of sharing your important thoughts at a time when your partner can hear you – a time that is good for him, too.

  • Go on that date, even if you’re not sure if you’re attracted to him, yet.

  • Trust that it is ok for you to put off a date, if what you really need is a night in.

  • Believe that it is safe to be exactly who you are and clear about exactly what you want.

Choosing love over fear is a courageous act, and extends far beyond your romantic life.

Making this choice enough times sends a clear message to the Universe that you’re ready to lead with your desires. That fear can take the backseat, because love is driving, today.

What would choosing love over fear look like for you, today?

With love,
