What Your Man Really Wants

For those of you ladies in healthy relationships, I’m curious – what do you believe your man really wants from you? What would make him feel amazing?

While I generally like to avoid sweeping statements, I can tell you with a high degree of certainty that this one thing is high on his list:


Yes, that’s right. He wants you to trust him.

And yet I know that can be hard for you, it often is for me, too.

Of course, I trust my partner to be loyal in our relationship – that’s not the kind of trust I’m talking about.

This is so much more nuanced.

It’s the trust that he will do what he says…that he knows what he’s doing…that he may even know best.

This is the ultimate stretch in letting go of control.

Control is the opposite of love, and learning how to trust is how we lean into love.

I know this is hard.

He hasn’t always done what he said he would.

But how pure are his intentions?

And which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Oftentimes, our lack of trust can cause the very situation we’re trying so damn hard to control.

It suffocates the relationship and makes our partners feel inadequate.

So here’s my invitation to you, to look for all the ways and places you can trust him. And while giving him some grace, give yourself some, too.

Give yourself the gift of relaxing and allowing him to show up; all the while remembering, he’s on his journey, too.


With love,
