Why It's Not Enough To Say, I Don't Chase, I Attract

“I don’t chase, I attract.”


I’ve heard this statement more than I care to count in the online space.


And while I get the energy behind it, I think the meaning has been lost.


I would much rather say it like this:


I ask for what I desire and leave space for it to come to me – all the while listening for cues from the Universe of how and when it would like me to take action.


Ok, not nearly as catchy, I know.


But the part that is important here, is SPACE and LISTENING.


Because there are things you might need to “do” to align yourself with meeting your partner.


And let’s remember that while you absolutely do not chase, a man who values himself does also require you to show your interest, too.


Remember on your journey to receivership, not to tip the scale all towards complacency and inaction.


It is a dance, after all.


Sometimes the feminine leads, sometimes the masculine does.


There’s a missing piece in “I don’t chase, I attract”, and it’s called:


Inspired, aligned action.


Leaning all the way back into being the attractor can feel very disempowering as if you are a passive participant in your life.


And that simply isn’t true.


With love,
