Why You Don't Want To Date A Guy Who Puts You On A Pedestal

Couple Holding Hands

Jack is the first guy I ever dated who knew he deserved a woman like me.

He’s never said things like “you’re too good for me, or you deserve better.”

 He adores me, admires me and thinks I’m wildly interesting – and, he doesn’t put me on a pedestal.

He doesn’t think I’m too smart, beautiful, insert quality here, to be with him.

He sees himself as my equal.

And this is one of the reasons I’ve always known, he is.

This is what it’s like to be with your King. Your King, while he might not use those words, knows he’s worthy of you.

Because he knows that in the background, he respects you, he’s loyal to you, he’s doing right by you and he respects and shows up for himself.

He’s not perfect, by any means.

And he knows you aren’t either.

Being put on a pedestal, while it may feel flattering, can be a sign that your man isn’t ready for you.

That he feels behind, unworthy, or less than.

And with the risk of alarming you, it can sometimes mean that he in fact doesn’t deserve you, because of reasons only he knows of.

Be with someone who is proud to stand as your equal.

And if your current partner doesn’t quite feel that way – ask him why, and be willing to hear him.

Is it a confidence thing?

Is he working through this feeling?

Does he perpetually feel behind and spiral in his own self-sabotage?

There’s a difference between being revered and being idolized.

My suggestion? Opt for the prior.

Because a Queen and her King sit throne to throne, on the same level. Loving and cheering each other on, as they both ascend.

With love,


BlogDiana Eskanderequal, queen, king, loyalty