Love Gets To Feel Good For You

Diana Eskander

What if you could trust yourself whole heartedly?

If you could discern fear from intuition and know when to speak and when to retreat?

What if you could move through love and relationships in a way that allows you to feel intuitive, to feel the truth in the moment - rather than calculated?

When I work with women in this intimate way, this is the true work we’re doing.

Yes, there’s some learning (and unlearning) that happens.

Yes, there are light bulb moments and breakthroughs that crack you open.

And even more so…

It’s a new way of feeling.


Full permission to be yourself and to own your yeses and your nos.

Love can feel good for you.

Relationships don’t need to feel tumultuous.

You get to want what you want, and experience it in that way.

And this comes with shifting from a lens of fear to a lens of love.

The process I take you through in School of Love allows this to be your new way of relating.

Where you can scrap the rules and follow a deeper knowing.

It’s my life’s work poured into 6 months with you.

Unparalleled support and guidance.

You are the expert of your life, and I, the expert of a transformation process.

If you're not ready to settle for anything less than deep love, I welcome you with open arms.

I have a group for women who are single and women who are in relationships, and there are just a few spots left in each.

Fill out our short questionnaire and let's see if this is the perfect fit for you.

With love,