You May Be Doing More Damage to Your Relationship Than You Think

Couple holding fingers

No matter how “right” you might be about an issue in your relationship or something you think your man should change, I ask you this: 

Is your current approach helpful?

Is it bringing you closer to the connection and partnership you’re desiring?

Is it bringing about the changes you want him to make?  

If you answer “no” the any of the questions above (and I’m willing to bet that you’ve got at least one in there) then my next question to you is this:  

How willing are you to try a different way? 

These words above poured through me in a recent client session when we were discussing all the ways she is frustrated with her partner and showing him in no uncertain terms that he is “failing” her. 

When I sat with them afterwards, they also hit me like a ton of bricks. 

There are some behaviours I too need to check myself on when it comes to my relationship. 

→ Like pointing out he could do a better job at time management.

→ Or listing all the home projects we (he) still haven’t started. 

It doesn’t change anything, and it sure doesn’t open the doors to more love to flow.  

It slams them shut. 

So I ask you to consider the subtle ways you are belittling your partner and to notice -- like truly notice -- the ways it is blocking love in your relationship. 

Then ask yourself, is it really worth it? And am I willing to try a different way? 

With love,


P.S. I'm feeling the call to share with you all in a raw, unfiltered and totally honest way about my journey from being anxiously attached to anchored in love.

On Monday May 10th and Tuesday May 11th at 12pm EST, I'll be sharing my story live in my Facebook group. Will you join me?