Stop Working On Your Relationship And Do This Instead

Your relationship is in a slump and while you wish your partner would step up…

He doesn’t.
But, you do.

What if I told you, the best thing you could do for your relationship is to STOP working on it?

All that efforting and focusing on fixing the problem is literally deepening the problem and expanding the gap between you and him.

So what can you do instead?

Pour into yourself.
Turn up and turn on the flirtateousness.
Enjoy the heck out of YOURSELF.

And then bring that fun, playful, flirtatious energy INTO the relationship.

This is the missing piece.

Time and time again I see women being their best selves and living their best lives on their own and with their friends.

Then as soon as they step back into their homes they fall into bitterness and resentment.

Forgetting to bridge the two.

Not believing that it’s safe for it to be THIS EASY.

You’ve been taught you have to work hard.
And you believed that also means in your relationships.

When you step into my world, you get a big ass permission slip to do LESS and to live your best f*cking life.

There’s no way he won’t turn his head for that.

With love,
