The Money-Love Connection

It’s 4:44pm on Tuesday afternoon, and I feel triggered AF.


I had an actual “fight” with my husband where I let my triggers get the best of me.


He set his boundaries and told me he didn’t want to talk as he could tell it wasn’t going to go well…


But I kept the “conversation” going, knowing full well he was absolutely, right.


Not my proudest moment.


But I know how I got there.


I spiraled far down the rabbit hole of my mind, my body went into fight and I sent him, into flight.


The mind knows how to make shit feel so damn complex, creating a web of stories we can’t possibly think our way out of.


We must get into our bodies (that’s another monologue).


And love isn’t the only place we get stuck in our minds.


We do this often with one of our biggest triggers of all: money.


We get trapped by the stories we tell ourselves about money.


If we overlay what happened with my husband this afternoon, with let’s say a coach-client relationship, then when I the coach get into my mind about all the ways I’m going to fail, and go into my fight response (cue the hustle), I might then send my potential clients into flight, along with their cheque books.


(I know my coach, healer and service provider friends can relate to this).


My state of trigger and fear, creates a fear response in them.


This is one of the MANY ways we push away both love, and money.


The money-love connection is real, y’all. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.


I’ve been exploring the inextricable ties between how we receive (and block) both money and love over the last 3 years, as I’ve continued to scale my business.


And I’ve got something delicious comin for ya soon.


So tell me…


Have I piqued your interest?


With love,
