How Much Space Are You Allowing For Your Desires?

I’ve been playing with the dynamic of space a lot in my relationship.

Noticing when there’s too much.

When there’s too little.

Tuning into the nuances and feeling into what is just right for us.

This is not an easy thing as someone who’s recovering from anxious attachment.

I love my time alone, don’t get me wrong.

But making a request let’s say, and then leaving space for my partner to fulfill it, is deeply challenging.

In one of our School of Love conversations, we were talking about masculine and feminine energies, and polarity in relationships.

One of the brilliant women mentioned that she’s discovered that the best way to give her masculine partner something to “achieve” and “provide”, is by making the request, giving her instructions and then leaving space.

Then one of the other brilliant women had a realization that this is how she (successfully) approaches money when she desires it.

She makes a specific request for what she wants, why she wants it (masculine/money loves a purpose) and then the necessary ingredient – she leaves SPACE.

I know my partner loves and needs space when it comes to creating something I desire.

He loves to learn about how to do it best, and take his time assembling the pieces in his mind before he assembles them in real life.

And every time I meddle by insisting he moves faster, I stall his process.

This is one of the many nuanced ways in which we either allow or encroach on space.

How much space are you leaving between stimulus in response?

How much space are you leaving for your partner’s point of view?

How much space are you allowing for your desires?

How much space are taking from thinking about someone or something?

My ability to play with the energy of space is one of the key reasons Jack went from feeling unsure about being in a relationship, to wanting to introduce me to his family and then proposing.

It remains a key factor today.

I truly believe space to be an essential part of healthy relationships.

And I talk all about it in my SPACIOUS LOVE masterclass. You can watch it (and keep it forever), here!

If you want to learn about dancing in space and allowing it to serve your new or existing relationship, grab your copy here.

It is magic.

With love,