Posts in Blog
Put It In Your Pocket

I get so many phone calls from the ladies in my life, asking me what I think about this, that and the other thing that the guy they just started seeing has either said, done or alluded to. Oftentimes, the action or words in question are difficult to decipher and subject to much interpretation. And while we can come up with some pretty accurate hypotheses, we can never be too sure; and usually, the action or words in question are not blatantly wrong, but rather, confusing and/or questionable.

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Get Out of the Box

We often make huge blanket statements about our interests, and stick to them. And while at one point in our lives, we may not have liked certain films, industries, jobs, music, travel destinations or even certain kinds of people, there’s a big chance that if we were to explore our likes and dislikes from where we stand today, that they would look significantly different.

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